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SA largely compliant with Basel Committee's NFRS and large exposures framework

SA largely compliant with Basel Committee's NFRS and large exposures framework
12-04-23 / Chris Smit

SA largely compliant with Basel Committee's NFRS and large exposures framework

  • Basel Committee publishes assessment reports on the implementation of its global standards in South Africa.
  • Assessments find South African regulations respectively largely compliant and compliant with the Basel Committee's Net Stable Funding Ratio standard and large exposures framework. 
  • These publications form part of the Committee's Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme (RCAP).

Basel - South Africa's implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) and large exposures (LEX) framework are respectively largely compliant and compliant with the global standards set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, according to reports published today.

The Basel Committee's assessment reports on the NSFR and LEX form part of its RCAP, a series of reports on the implementation of Basel standards by member jurisdictions of the Basel Committee.

The Basel Committee has completed its review of the implementation of the initial risk-based capital standards and Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) for all members and of the framework for global and domestic systemically important banks (G-SIBs and D-SIBs) for all member jurisdictions that were home to G-SIBs in 2016.

Jurisdictional assessments of the implementation of the Basel Committee's NSFR and LEX global standards started in 2018 but were suspended in March 2020 following the outbreak of Covid-19 and resumed in 2021.

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